Data Science

Adobe Uses AI To Auto Remove Background in Photos

This week at GTC 2018 in San Jose, California, engineers from Adobe Applied Research and Tech (ART) and NVIDIA demonstrated a deep learning-based method that extracts the foreground content from its background without the use of a green screen.
During their demo, the team used a version of Photoshop with the “Deep Matte” algorithm.
The method called “Deep Image Matting”, uses deep learning to intelligently separate foreground from the background.  
 An example of the Deep Matte feature in Adobe Photoshop. 
We first told you about this research last year. Since then, the team has moved to NVIDIA TITAN Volta GPUs and cuDNN based customized inferencing framework for optimal performance.
Though not publicly available, the team said “Deep Matte” could be released in a future version of Photoshop.

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